Bottled Moon
You get it. Take me. I'm always on the lookout for that.
But there was a diversion at hand. Ellis Hardy was approaching and she knew without being told what was about to happen. In line of duty she listened in—with the connivance of Miss Perkins, the PBX operator—on salesmen's telephone conversations. In fact, she was the modest source of much of Mr. Chisholm's omniscience.
The rubber says there's not a spare ounce on me.
Hardy grinned his sour grin and stepped out, giving Mr. Firrel but the curtest nod in passing. Firrel came in, and not being invited to sit, stood awkwardly before the desk. Maizie felt sorry for the man. He was so earnest, so sincere, such a hard worker—yet he had been with them more than a month and the few commissions he had received could hardly have done more than pay his carfare. It was pathetic.
We have a file of his daily reports. Hardy can work just as well from those.

Designed by Dušan Jelesijević
Released in December 2021
2 Styles
Whether you’re looking for typeface for whiskey label, wedding invitation, restaurant branding or perfume package, Bottled Moon recommends itself with original Initials, shadowed Stylistic Set and pack of adjustable Borders together with classical Fractions.

Regular Italic

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*License Type
*User Type – Desktop
*User Type – Web
*User Type – App
*User Type – eBook
*Styles – OTF
*Styles – WOFF & WOFF2