The menacing cloud in the east has assumed solidity.
When Patrick Carolan Breagh attained the age of six years, the boy being tall enough to view his own topknot of scarlet curls and freckled snub nose in the big shining mirror of his stepmother's toilet-table, without standing on the tin bonnet-box that was kept under the chintz cover, or climbing on a chair,—he was fated to acquire, during one brief half-hour's concealment under a Pembroke table, more knowledge of Life, Death, and the value of Money, than would otherwise have come to him in the course of half a dozen more years.
His wife's eyes snapped with irrepressible jealousy at the reference to her predecessor.
I think he saw young Alex Breagh, a junior Lieutenant of the Grenadier company of the Royal Ennis Regiment of Infantry, winning his spurs of manhood under Gough and Hardinge and Gilbert on the plain beside the Sutlej, where stands Ferozshahr.
Captain Breagh sucked at his pipe and reflectively pulled a whisker.

Designed by Dušan Jelesijević
Released in December 2024
14 Styles
It is designed with purpose to fit into every project – from editorial use (magazines, books, catalogues, brochures…) to package design, posters, outdoor graphic or websites, ebooks and apps as well. Nuvola looks pretty well in small sizes, while in bigger sizes Nuvola presents all its details. Letters in words look compact, stable, with decent dose of contrast and rhythm – all visually well balanced to display its smooth appearance.
Nuvola font family is available in 12 styles (6 weights and 6 Italics) packed with Small Caps, Fractions and Standard Ligatures as OpenType features.
Regular Italic
Medium Italic
Semi Bold
Semi Bold Italic
Bold Italic
Extra Bold
Extra Bold Italic
Black Italic

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*License Type
*User Type – Desktop
*User Type – Web
*User Type – App
*User Type – eBook
*Styles – OTF
*Styles – WOFF & WOFF2