Stand aside, please, or shall I send for the manager?
Fate is a merry jade, at times. Half way to Jacksonville in a Pullman next day a young woman with gentian eyes, who had time and again searched her handbag, opened a package of cheap lace to finish dressing a Christmas doll, and a card dropped out. It bore the inscription, “King Dubignon.” Underneath was penciled the information that he was associated with Beeker, Toomer & Church, Architects, New York, and to this was added, “Hotel Dempsey, Macon, three days.” Fate’s little jest was the concealment of the card in a fold of the paper wrapper for twenty-four hours.
The field proved narrow and depressing for one of his profession and temperament.
It was a spring day when the camel’s spine collapsed. Birds were building homes for themselves, and wonderful flowers were solving, without human aid, marvels of form and color, and voices were calling to him across years unborn. Ah, those voices! He placed a foot under the corner of his drawing table and wrecked it against the wall.
Mr. Church pressed a button somewhere, his eyes still on the designs.

Designed by Dušan Jelesijević
Released in February 2022
1 Style
Poruka comes with two Stylistic Sets – 01 which activates uppercase letters with full font height (from the top of ascender to the bottom of descender) and 02 – which activates handwritten forms on “b”, “d”, “h” and “l” letters. Also, Poruka is equipped with Swashes and Discretionary Ligatures which doesn’t really represent classical pack of expected ligatures, but more as graphical version of a couple of words like “yes”, “no”, “wait”, “ciao” and a few more.

Read interview about Poruka Font Family at Identifont.com.

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*License Type
*User Type – Desktop
*User Type – Web
*User Type – App
*User Type – eBook
*Styles – OTF
*Styles – WOFF & WOFF2