They evidently believe it to be the parrot.
A large white bulldog of most disreputable appearance leaped to the railing of the motor boat and stood looking into the waters of the Rio Grande. In a moment the plea for assistance came again, sounding fainter and farther away.
Catch Captain Joe getting drowned!
To those who have read the books of this series already published the boys of the Rambler will need no introduction. Their adventures on the Amazon, the Columbia, the Colorado, the Mississippi, the St Lawrence, the Ohio, and the Yukon will be readily recalled to mind. Coming originally from the south branch of the Chicago river, they had accumulated handsome fortunes during their journeys in quest of adventure, but they still saw the world through boys’ eyes, and were not satisfied to settle down to a humdrum life.
How’s this for a storm, Mister Teddy Bear, Junior?

Designed by Dušan Jelesijević
Released in January 2024
1 Style
By it’s design, Sortland is condensed, contrasted and typeface with tall x-height. It radiates with distinctive charm and warmness as soft lines and rounded corners make friendly impression on words made with Sortland.
Sortland recommends itself for package design, posters, outdoor and indoor graphics, logo and websites either for headlines or paragraphs. In terms of markets, it’s ideal for beverage, food and cosmetics, but also for movies, magazines and books.
Comes with Small Caps and standard Ligatures.

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*Styles – OTF
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